Midcheshire Independent Issue 170

SEPTEMBER 2024 10 PICTURE SPECIAL A summer of fun and games CONGLETON’S summer play day programme has brought joy and fun to hundreds of families in the town. From getting crafty to join- ing in on physical activities, they have enjoyed a wide range of fun and games. The vibrant atmosphere in the pedestrian area has been a testament to the com- munity’s spirit, as families have come together to make the most of the school sum- mer holiday. Rachel McCarthy, town centre and events officer, organised the events. She said: “It’s been fantastic to witness the joy and engage- ment at each event and the town centre buzzing with activity. “A big thank you to the volunteers and commu- nity groups who’ve staged workshops and activities, making these events truly special.” The town council have secured funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to stage the sum- mer programme. The town’s summer pad- dling pool has also been a hit. It welcomed more than 9,000 visitors this season, despite some mixed weather. Town mayor Kay Wesely said: “It’s been heartwarm- ing to see so many families enjoying this special attrac- tion in our town. “Although the weather wasn’t always on our side early in the season, the sun eventually shone through, giving us some scorching days that were perfect for a splash in the pool. “Our team worked tire- lessly to ensure every ses- sion ran smoothly, and I couldn’t be prouder of their dedication.”